
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged, and trust me, there’s a reason. We are relocating, (AGAIN) to London Ontario. This is the town where Aunt Mimi ran across Dirty Dave, and they decided to run off together. The process for apartment applications has altered significantly and I’ve had to spend a lot of energy on it. It found us successful, however, and I’ll be settled in just in time for Shock Stock to return to our fair city.


End of April, I will be the happy resident of a two-bedroom ground floor. This will help ease my horrid knees and hips and I’ll be able to instead, walk about the Ramada London and scope out the cosplays, handiworks of my horror fans, and see some cool actors and hear about behind-the-scenes facts about my favourite movies.

Then, we get drunk at afterparties.

Check the website frequently for updates on guests, and I shall post about tickets, they shall be on sale friday!

Let’s get back to life, Darklings.

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Losing Caleb

During this Pandemic, I knew I would be acquainted with someone who lost their life to this Virus. I knew I would be mourning a friend, acquaintance or, heaven forbid, a family member, or possibly myself.

I took steps to stay alive, stay safe, and thankfully, my family even, took the risks in the beginning to bring my parents and I groceries, necessities, and any thing we needed in the first six months. I stayed home, I kept my son home.


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We’ve been in the house so long, I legit forgot what day it is (It’s Saturday).  I’m trying to think of what to write about, with this self-isolation going on.  I had a group chat with my Stitch’n’Bitch group, (Old club friends from London, Ont) and my former work wife in Kentucky over FaceTime. I worry so much about my American friends and family. (more…)

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Former “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” actress, was recently caught out spreading homophobia on her twitter account, retweeting an article regarding Titania McGrath’s tweet about a Trans Woman, Jessica Yaniv, suing over refusal to get service at a Beauty Salon. Specifically, a brazillian wax.  The Salon, a home based business, stated it was because she still had male genitalia. Business owner stated it was simply because she wasn’t trained to wax male genitalia, only female.  That notwithstanding, the Canadian courts in British Columbia are taking up that fight.


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I am at home in my father’s house, rewatching 1984’s “Footloose”, a seemlingly fluffy film from the 80s that is a wonderful tableau of life back then. It’s the perfect example of small town life in a day before the internet and everyone carried the world in their pockets, via smartphones. I am getting emotional, not out of nostalgia but out of Ren (Kevin Bacon) and his fight to restore Senior Prom to his new friends and classmates. Half his new friends are telling him he’s running a fool’s errand, and the other half are decrying his efforts, undermining his opinions of teenagers of that day expressing themselves through dance, and music.  He’s had a rough go and music is his outlet.  Now this small town is taking that away from him.

My emotions are running due to how diligent and sincere he is in his efforts, particularly after learning the local Preacher, and father to the local “bad girl”, Ariel, voted the law against dancing and music out of grief of losing his elder son to a foolish accident, fueled by teenage bravado and underage drinking.  Ren keenly feels his antagonists’ loss but feels it’s the wrong way to grieve.

His voice is eventually joined by Ariel, then her friends, and soon, a compromise is made and the Senior students get their longed-for Prom, on the outskirts of the town.

My emotion comes from that one small, still voice, The constant one, the one that will wear down authorities.  We need this voice so much now. We need this voice, the voice of those out there decrying the latest ICE arrests, the detention of those vulnerable in the Southern borders, searching for safety but finding only hate, starvation and death. Yes, death.

We need the voices in the guise of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, demanding answers from the Republicans and from the despicable president himself. We need voices like those with a large public platform.  Stephen King, Mark Hamill, Robert Deniro, Harrison Ford.

HARRISON FORD.  Who breathed life in Han Solo, the bad pirate who found himself at the wrong place at the wrong time, and became a hero, and partner to the greatest Rebel General of her day, Leia Organa.

Keep raising your voices. Join the voices already speaking.  Your own voice may not change the whole world, but with Ren’s luck, your voice might change YOURS.

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I’ve written more than one article about Canadian horror.  It was my first exposure to the genre, PROPER exposure.  I ecked out my obsession through children’s books about monsters in the library. Back then, horror for kids had a bit more, um… bite?… than it does now? (I’m looking at YOU, “Twilight”!!!) I grew up with Tanith Lee short stories (Red as Blood) and the “Dark Forces” series of novels that were popular in the ’80s.


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To ALL of us! I mean ALL of US.  Everyone.  I was strolling through social media today, engaging in WGD posts, and enjoying all the selfies and pictures and one blog post hit me.  Someone apparently was Gatekeeping Goths because of skin colour. Well, shit, that just won’t do.  We’re ALL in this.  There is no ‘type’.  But representation matters.


Ms Angela shows her fangs.

So I began looking for posts and articles supporting POC Goths and POC goth culture.  Thanks to the sparse response I got, I have determined to collect some role models myself, put them together and have it to reference, if needed. Please feel free to share.

Aunt Mimi’s Top POC Goth Role Models.

Feel free to add to this.  I’m sure I’ve missed a few.

Monique Dupree

She is the first recognized Black Scream Queen, and a fine lady. I’ve been fortunate to see her at one or two Conventions. Bit unhappy I didn’t get pictures, but next time.  She’s starred and produced a good many indie horror and exploitation movies, and her look is always on point.

Rachel True 

(Rochelle from the Craft)

While technically not Goth, I would be remiss in not including the lovely actress from “The Craft”.  This movie stirred up a flurry of baby bats in the 90s, and she wore her darkness well.

Brandon Lee

(Eric Draven, The Crow)

This is the ULTIMATE YOU MUST WATCH IT Goth movies.  It is amazingly brilliant, and has a bomb-ass soundtrack, and sadly, Brandon Lee’s last film.  He was Bruce Lee’s actor son, and both were taken from this earth too soon.  (Un-Goth confession, I’ve never seen it)  That and sooo many people back then went to Halloween parties as Eric Draven, and Goths this very day still imitate the look.

Screamin’ Jay Hawkins

(I Put a Spell on You)

He made this song famous. Then it was in Hocus Pocus.  Obviously I’m including him.

His performance of “I Put a Spell on You” is every bit as dramatic as his successor, Bette Midler.

Vonetta McGee

(Tina Williams Blackula)

“Blackula” is one of the earliest Blaxploitation of the Grindhouse era.  The premise is an African Abani Prince is cursed by Dracula to become one of the Undead and enslaves his wife, cursing him to eternity in a sealed coffin beneath his castle.  Well, predictably, the coffin is discovered, unsealed and ass, blood and guts fly everywhere.  Blackula sees Tina (McGee) and sees his wife, reincarnated.  He successfully woos her, but her sister’s boyfriend figures out he’s a vampire, and chaos ensues.


William Marshall

William played the Dark Prince who won his love fair and square but ended up losing her in the end. That’s the trouble, Vampire/Human relations only end with someone six feet under.  But he’s sure pretty sharp to look at during the film!

Pam Grier

(Scream Blackula Scream, Mars Attacks)

Ok, this chick has fought off a bloodthirsty vampire and she was in a Tim Burton movie, tell me she doesn’t deserve a place.  Pam Grier’s bad ass film career starts in the Grindhouse sexploitation movies, like “Big Bird Cage” and “Foxy Brown”, she was also in “Scream Blackula, Scream”, where she takes down the Master Vampire with a Voodoo doll.  She later appeared in Tim Burton’s “Mars Attacks”, and fully deserves recognition as the Goth Queen she is.


She is the Queen of the Damned. Her status as Goth Role Model should stand unchallenged. The Hip Hop artist, Aaliyah’s swan song was the film version of “Queen of the Damned”. As Akasha, she strolls through the film, causing havock, death and misery until she is stopped by Lestat before she destroys humanity in her skewed quest for ‘peace’.

Even before that, her song “Are you that Somebody” has a creepy undertone, with that strange baby coo in the middle.  I like it.

Marki Bey

In yet another film that gets Voodoo horribly wrong, Marki Bey plays “Sugar Hill” a real bad ass who uses her voodoo skills to avenge her boyfriend’s death at the hand of his former boss.  Sugar Hill comes with an army of zombies who do her bidding, and the men responsible for her boyfriend’s death find a rather bad end.  This film is amazing, in the old Grindhouse blaxploitation category, but still very worth a look. And Ms Bey is a Queen.

Wesley Snipes

Of course I’m including “Blade”.  A vampire with a conscious, who looks awesome in black leather and fangs. (Yes I have a type).  The “Blade” series started out as a graphic novel series, and evolved into the films.   They are worth a watch, particularly the third installment. We see Dracula throwing a bunch of Gatekeeping Toronto Goths out a plate glass window. Deeply satisfying.

O. Children

A Goth music group, the lead singer is six feet eight inches high, tall, dark and bite my neck now, please. His haunting voice is reminiscent of Peter Steele, and he’s got that smoulder.  Check them out, you won’t be sorry.

Honorable mention to Snoop Dogg, who was in “Bones” and played an undead Gang member out for revenge, Light Asylum, an instrumental group and “She Wants Revenge” a group that has a great “Sisters of Mercy” type sound.  Very reminiscent of post-punk/new wave from the 80s.  These guys have done their homework.

Well, I hope I have made this list warmly, unoffensively and completely.  Let me know if there’s anyone I should include.


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Attendees to London, Ontario’s own Horror Convention, “Shock Stock”, were surprised Saturday by a guest who wasn’t scheduled.  Mr Ted Raimi showed up to see what all the fuss was about, thrilling horror fans and guests. Graciously shaking hands and posing for pictures, Mr Raimi’s surprise visit to the Convention was icing on the cake for fans.


Mr Raimi poses with Con goer. Credit: Mimi Rupp

Guests were already lined up to greet David Howard Thornton (The Terrifier) Felissa Rose (Sleepaway Camp) and Tim Cappello ( The Lost Boys), and seeing the “Xena Warrior Princess” star was both unexpected and greatly appreciated. Hopefully, he had a lovely time and will be eager to return, hopefully as a guest at “Shock Stock” sometime soon.

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Once again, Fandomfest made me proud to call myself “fan” and “friend” to the promoters.   Despite challenges, such as last minute change in venue, and guest cancellations, Fandomfest 2017 knocked it out of the park.


(photo credit: Malinda Wickam)

Taking over the old Macy’s store in Louisville’s Jefferson mall is almost poetic….. Capitalism died in that mall, and the fans swarmed and took over. The ironic justice is delicious.

Despite naysayers, a good time was had by the large crowds and friendly celebrity guests, with Matthew Lillard inviting fans to come meet and hug him “Like a porkchop”.  Fans as far away as Ontario, Canada were posting pictures of fans meeting actor Sonny Chiba of “Kill Bill” fame, with Artoo Detoo, and BB8 droids roaming the floors, thrilling many a Star Wars fan.

(photo credit: Malinda Wickam)

The venue wasn’t without complications, but staff were quick on the ball to assist vendors, such as Steampunk Alley.  Originally slated for the second floor, vendors had trouble getting their props to the alloted spot, as the back wall wouldn’t fit in the elevator.  Staff responded by placing them on the first floor, which was pretty awesome of them.

(photo credit: Malinda Wickham. She’s the one being threatened by the T-Rex.)

The cosplayers came out in droves, including many children, and an entire family dressed as Harry Potter characters.  Celebrity guests posted regularly, and thanked the staff for a wonderful weekend.  This is the kind of Fandomfest I’m familiar with.  I’ve never had a bad time there, I’ve always been treated VERY well by the staff.  And I know from experience, when Fandomfest triumphs over the odds, the next year will be even better.  Congrats to the staff, guests and promoters for another awesome Convention.  Stay tuned for Fandomfest 2018, because I sure will!

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“Nasty ” Women.

There’s been plenty of talk lately about the Women’s March around the world. I live in America so most of my point of view is from American media posts. However, what Americans fail to note is that the Women’s March was world wide. WORLD. WIDE.

Because every woman has a story about how they were belittled, talked over, put aside, and even abused by men in their lies. Every woman does. I don’t  care who you are.

Women I see in social media are making (what I believe) are short-sighted statements, statements that just make me see red.

“What are they marching for? We’re equal to men!”

“Women don’t have it so bad in this country!”

“*I* don’t feel like I have no rights, why are *they* marching?”

Ok look at that last statement. Look. It starts with *I*. Ok, great, you feel like you’re equal to men, you feel like you have all the rights you need. Great! Not all of us feel that way. Some of us have had parents that said “You SURE you want to be a doctor and not a nurse?” Or lovers that have scoffed at our ability to change a tire. Or “Why don’t I come with you to get a car, honey? Surely they’ll listen to a man?”  Some of us have been assaulted and then blamed for it. “She shouldn’t have been drinking”. “See what she was wearing?? She was asking for it”. Nothing is said about the person who assaulted her, who basically helped themselves to what they weren’t entitled to. That’s called “stealing”.  And if it were a car instead of the woman’s body, yeah, you bet the cops would be all over it.  It’s not always about YOU, people.  Maybe think of the other woman for a change.

I heard once on the John Tesh radio show that women who wear jewelry and expensive watches at job interviews are seen as “high maintenance” and less likely to be hired as they are percieved as “difficult to work with”.  A man, however, wearing an expensive watch or large ring is percieved as “successful” and “will do anything to get a job done”.  Why is that? Isn’t that messed up?? Would that be considered “oppression” because it sure as fuck isn’t equal.  If realizing that makes me a “Nasty” Woman, I’ll wear that with pride.

I am privileged. I acknowledge that. I only hope I can use it to help those who have less privilege than me.  I acknowledge that I was raised by basically the best parents, who taught me strength, kindness and selflessness.  My father wouldn’t see gender, I announced I wanted to be a lawyer. He and my stepmother mapped out exactly what I would have to do to reach my goal. I wanted Star Wars toys, and Santa brought me Star Wars toys. Only lately am I hearing that boys are claiming that fandom for themselves, I never heard any of that growing up. You either liked Star Wars or you didn’t.  Gender never came into play.

I am white. I don’t have the same struggles women of colour have.  I never will. I don’t claim to know what their struggles are, I never will.

I have a disability, but I can pass as able-bodied. (Most days) But I will fight like hell for my disabled peers to have a voice and accessibility.  While I can walk now, my disease will progress to the point I’ll need mobility aids.

I am in a het relationship.  I don’t need to worry about the Marriage Equality act. I don;t need to worry about it being rescinded and having my relationship seen as invalid by society. I don’t have to worry about my child being taken or question his custody because my marriage might be seen as illegal.  But I know couples who do worry about that. I acknowledge the struggles and the ignorance.

I am cis-gendered. I identify with the gender I was born with.  I knew from two years old I was a girl (More specifically a princess, and later on, vampire princess.) I didn’t have the feeling of being in the wrong body, being seen as a freak, or feeling like if I lived as I really felt, I’d be treated differently by the people in my life.  Anyone who is trans, non-binary, or genderqueer, again, let me use my privilege to make sure your voice is heard, because you are valid and you matter. You matter so much, oh my GOD, you do matter.

See how easy it is? And enough with this selfish bullshit, *I* don’t see… WE see. WE see you, WE want you heard, WE will help you raise up.

So in conclusion, you don’t see inequality in your world? Awesome! Neither do I! I work as a nurse, a female-dominated profession, where I basically make the same wage as my supervisor, and I get raises based on experience, not on the whim of some faceless Corporate Goon.   But I’m not short-sighted or selfish enough to think that nobody else sees inequality either.



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